Unit Objectives
Objective 1 – Introduction to Yoga & Mindfulness
Objective 2 – To Develop Strength and Courage Through Yoga
Objective 3 – To Develop Compassion through the Practise of Yoga
Objective 4 – Understanding that Being Kind to Yourself,
Spreads Kindness to Others
Objective 5 - To Observe how our Bodies and Minds Feel
in the Moment
Objective 6 - To Pay Attention to, and Notice, how the Breath
Feels in the Body
Unit Description
The notion of ‘Peaceful Warriors’ is used to guide this unit. The phrase may sound contradictory, but being a Peaceful Warrior means to be strong but wise, and thoughtful about the actions and decisions we make. We aim to bring the wisdom of warriors and the peace of Yoga and Mindfulness to the children in this unit.
We begin by introducing Yoga through a short Sun Salutation and then a fun game called Dance and Freeze, practising some strong poses requiring focus and determination. We learn a variety of breathing techniques such as Strength Breath, teaching the children the importance of the breath for building strength and overall health.
We focus on the Warrior Pose throughout and weave this pose into fun activities for the children, such as the game Courageous Warriors. We also talk about the skills and qualities of a Peaceful Warrior throughout and instil in the children the need for courage, patience, focus away from distractions, kindness and of course peace.
Each session ends with a lovely relaxation where they can reflect on themselves, focus on their own bodies, build strength and overall good health.
Year 4 Unit
- Peaceful Warriors!